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The market's continuous search for products that satisfy specifc and customized functions in line with the highest safety and integration standards has led to the birth of K-New.

The company was borm from an talian industrial group, operating in the security sector for over 45 years, and with twenty years of experience in the specific field of IP video survillance.

In an ever-evolving market, K-New continues to believe in the professinalism and protection of its partners; for this reason it accompanies them right from training and supports them in the pre- and post-sales phases.

K-New is able to cover the needs of every sector, from residential to industrial, with vertical projects ranging from retail to the energy, manufacturing, government, logistics, banking sectors,fetc, with high scalabilty from small video survellance systems up to large-scale projects, also thanks to multi-year cooperation with various technological partners.

The specific and peculiar features of K-New products such as, for example (bout not only), the native interfacing with loT devices for connection to pre-existing systems, the integration of high-performance third-party cameras, the support of http protocol, etc. are born from the experience gained directly on the talian and European markets by the company's technical staff land are fllowed in their development by the R&D department of the Shenzhen headquarters, from the design phase to implementation in customized FWs.

To create its range of products, K-New only uses world-leading manufacturers in the video survillance sector who can guarantee high hardware rlibillty and maximum firmware and soft-ware stability. Thanks to these assumptions, K-New products, certified according to European and international standards, offer a standard 2- year warranty, extendable to 4 years.

K-New also guarantees the compatiblity of its products with the native brand, as well as full support of the ONVIF protocol for cross-compatibility with other manufacturers.

K-New video sureillance systems offer the most advanced features and performances available on the market today, such as, for example, the Endless Color function, with sensors up to 1/1.8* for a color image even in extreme brightness conditions, advanced Smart functions, also with Guardian active deterrent function, highly eficient and durable LEDs, both infrared and white light.

Advanced Innovations

Advanced Innovations, with motivation and dynamism, began distributing IP video sur-villnce systems in 2005, establishing itself as a precursor in the sector. It currently op-erates in the strategic areas of IP video surveillance, fire detection, access control and system integration, accompanying the products with a series of services capable of in-creasing their value: purchase assistance, commissioning support, training courses,system design, etc. .

The company aims to closely follow the dfferent currents of technological innovation and assimilate them down to the root so as to be able to offer sector operators the best solu-tions according to a concrete project.

The great experience acquired and the dedicated technical staff alw Advanced Innova-tions to be able to assist its customers in all phases: from training to after-sales support.


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